Customs Transparency Social media Intendance of Legal Affairs Institution Taxpayer Assistance Office Inspection Office Collection Administration 1. Law on Access to Public Information 2. Reforms to the Organic Budget Law (Decree 101-97) 3. Decree Number 30-2012 (Fiscal 2013) 4. Decree Number 30-2012 (Fiscal 2014) 5. Approval of the income and expenditure budget 7. Law to Strengthen Transparency SAT Decree 37-2017
Board Agreement 24-2018. Regulation of the Superintendency of Tax Administration for the contracting of private banking services.
Size: 902.92 KB
Views: 8334
Date added: 25-09-2018
Modified date: 26-09-2018
Agreement of the Board of Directors of the Superintendency of Tax Administration 11-2001 and its reforms
Size: 40.83 KB
Views: 8765
Date added: 10-01-2018
Modified date: 22-12-2022