The information contained in this section is statistical in nature and can be used for tax analysis purposes; The attributes by which tax collection is classified correspond to those in force in each calendar period according to the Unified Tax Registry. Among the available information is the monthly collection by tax, by customs, by department and region, by department and tax, by economic activity, among others; In addition, tax statistics are provided that encompass several attributes, so it is necessary to present data tables that include tax collection as a quantitative variable and qualitative variables such as tax, activity, department, the latter according to the taxpayer's tax domicile. It is important to highlight that some of the statistics included in this section may be subject to updates derived from methodological improvements or the information systems managed by the institution.
It contains the revenue managed by the SAT grouped by seventeen main economic activities, this classification was valid until 2021; in the "Central Government" segment you can find the new historical series that group the SAT tax collection into twenty-one main activities (Sections).