Procedures of the Customs Administration (Manuals)

PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-01 Procedure for the Entry of Goods into the national territory (Effective as of November 23, 2020)
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GDE-02 version III Procedure for the exit of goods from the national territory PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-02 (in force as of November 02, 2023)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-03 Procedures for immediate verification of merchandise (Effective as of January 8, 2021)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-03 Procedure for Immediate Verification of Goods (Effective as of December 27, 2024)
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GDE-04 Sample extraction procedure, version II comes into effect on 22-07-2022
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-05 Procedure for the Entry of Goods into Fiscal Warehouses and Customs Warehouses, Version III
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-06 Procedure for the Egress of Goods in Fiscal Warehouses and Customs Warehouses, Version II
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GDE-07 Procedure for the Entry of Goods into Free Trade Zones, ZOLIC and Public Special Economic Development Zones, PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-07, Version III (Effective as of 12/10/2023)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-08 Procedure for Egress of Goods from Free Zones, Zolic and its agencies, and Public Special Economic Development Zones (effective as of December 28, 2020)
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GDE-11 Procedure for Customs Operations During International Land Customs Transit and Internal Customs Transit of Goods (Effective as of July 06, 2022)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-12 Procedure for simplified dispatch under the special modality of express delivery or courier V.II.Vig.4/10/2024
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-13 Procedure for handling luggage of travelers entering by air, Version II (Effective as of May 19, 2021)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-14 Procedure for Dispatch of Postal Shipments. (Effective as of December 21, 2021)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-17 Procedure for the Clearance of Other Special Modalities of Definitive Import and Export, Version III. (Effective as of December 27, 2022)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-18 Procedure for authorization of temporary import with re-export for vehicles for non-profit purposes. Version II effective as of August 08, 2024.
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-20 Procedure for the Entry of Goods into the National Customs Territory Through Partial Releases, Version II (Effective as of January 8, 2021)
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GDE-22 Procedure for the Egress of Goods with Simplified, Provisional and Complementary Declaration (effective as of November 6, 2020)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-25 Procedure for rectification of the merchandise declaration. Version II (Effective as of April 14, 2021)
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GDE-29 Alternative procedure for the entry and exit of merchandise from the national customs territory, derived from total or partial interruption of the SAT computer systems. Version III. (Effective as of May 02, 2023)
PR-IAD/DNO-DE-10 Procedure for the release of internal customs goods (Effective as of June 15, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-DE-15 Procedure for the dispatch of relief shipments (effective as of October 1, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-DE-16 Procedure for dispatching household goods (Effective as of September 14, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-DE-19 Procedure for the nationalization of merchandise that entered under the temporary import regime. (effective as of October 1, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-DE-21 Procedure for operations and activities permitted in fiscal warehouses and customs warehouses (Effective as of November 16, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GDE-09 Procedure for the entry of goods under customs control, from a customs office of entry to the facilities authorized to operate as a Central Customs Office (internal customs) (Effective as of 20/11/2024)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-01 Procedure for the Subsequent Control of Special Customs Regimes, version II. (Effective as of December 12, 2022)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-02 Procedure for the transfer of goods between users of the same Free Zone, the Santo Tomás de Castilla Free Trade and Industry Zone –ZOLIC– and the same Public Special Economic Development Zone – ZDEEP– (effective as of May 27, 2021)
PR-IAD-DNO-ADU-GPO-03 Closure of Operac Usua and Entid. Admin. ZF and ZDEEP; Usua Zolic and Usua ZDEEP (Vig. from 2-6-2023)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-07 Procedure for the destruction of goods under customs control. v. IV Vig. 20-12-2024
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-09 Procedure for donating goods Version II (Effective as of May 11, 2022)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-10 Procedure for guarantee administration (Effective as of August 10, 2022)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-13 Procedure for the reception, storage and return of samples in the units that make up the Technical Management Department of Goods Version II (Effective as of October 02, 2024)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-18 Administrative procedure for the treatment of seized merchandise that constitutes a tax violation (effective as of November 13, 2020)
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-19 Administrative procedure derived from customs clearance Version I Effective as of July 14, 2022
PR-IAD/DNO-ADU-GPO-20 RECURSIVE PROCEDURE IN THE MATTER Version I Effective as of July 14, 2022
PR-IAD/DNO-PO-04 Procedure for customs transit control (Effective as of January 02, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-PO-08 Procedure for the sale of merchandise subject to the crime of customs fraud that is easily damaged or decomposed. (Effective as of October 1, 2018)
PR-IAD/DNO-PO-17 Procedure for the application of sanctions regulated in the National Customs Law. (effective as of October 8, 2018)

Single Manual of Customs Procedures of the Central American Region

The purpose of this manual is to establish standardized procedures in foreign trade customs operations for their uniform application in each of the Customs Services of the Central American Region, in accordance with Resolution No. 223-2008 (COMIECO XLIX) of April 25, 2008.