El Ceibo Border Port Master Plan

The El Ceibo Border Port is located in the Mayan Biosphere Reserve area at kilometer 657.5 of departmental route 13, Municipality of La Libertad, Department of Peten, by Superintendency Resolution number SAT-S-627-2009, of On July 23, 2009, Customs was created to control the entry and exit of merchandise, means of transport of light cargo with a maximum weight of 15.5 tons that cross the border of the Republic of Guatemala with the United Mexican States.

Through the XXI meeting of the Guatemala-Mexico Ports and Border Services Group, on August 23, 2022, both delegations agreed to establish the commercial vocation, without restriction on the weight of the cargo that transits through the El Ceibo-El Ceibo crossing, which was recognized by Superintendency Resolution number SAT-DSI-1342-2022, dated September 30, 2022, so that it encourages the commercial flow between Mexico and Guatemala.

Currently, work is being done to improve the conditions of the facilities to promote the commercial exchange of flows of: people, light vehicles, buses and cargo.

For this purpose, the Superintendency of Tax Administration has planned to carry out a master development plan in the medium and long term, which is currently in the process of preparing executive studies and analyzes in accordance with the contracting law.

However, a first phase has also been developed: a short-term intervention in which the support of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees -UNHCR- was obtained, for the placement of containers, conditioned for a control office and housing modules and As complementary actions within the work that the Northeast Regional Management and its Customs Division are implementing: electrical installation in administrative offices, retrofitting of space to enable vehicle inspection module and retrofitting of spaces on the roadside.

For this year 2024, it is planned to rehabilitate the light vehicle control module and transfer the operation to the aforementioned equipped offices.

I. First phase: short-term intervention



II. El Ceibo Customs Master Plan