Registration and Qualification of University Degrees

1 Have a Virtual Agency. If you do not have the Virtual Agency, click here to request it
2 Fill out the form SAT-7190 “Enabling Titles” Declaraguate,(current version)
3 Title in Original.
3 Print the SAT-2000 ticket and pay the amount as appropriate (see special cases).
Step List
  1. Enter Declaraguate and select form SAT-7190 “Title Qualification”.
    1. Within the form follow these steps:
      1. Enter the NIT to which the title will be enabled and the reason for payment of the title will be generated. The system will verify that the NIT entered has a Virtual Agency username and password.
      2. Select the university that extended the university degree. who extended the university degree. (If you have two or more degrees, the information for each degree must be entered on the same form SAT-7190).
      3. Select the type of degree (University Degree, University Technical Degree, Master's Degree, Doctorate Degree, Postgraduate).
      4. Enter the name of the degree as shown on the physical degree issued to you by your university. Ex. Graduate in Business Administration.
      5. Select the “Add” button so that the information entered and selected is shown in a table.
      6. If all the information entered and selected is correct, select the “Validate” button, then the “Freeze” button.
      7. Print the SAT-2000 ticket and make the payment at a bank in the system or online through your virtual banking.

        Depending on the type of title, the amount to be paid is detailed below:

        No. Title Type Amount
        1 College degree Q100.00
        2 University Technical Career Title Q25.00
        3 Master's degree Q100.00
        4 Doctorate Degree Q100.00
        5 Postgraduate Q100.00


  2. After paying the SAT-7190 “Title Qualification” form, log in to your Virtual Agency.
    1. Within Virtual Agency follow these steps:
      1. Select the “Taxpayer Services” menu and the “Check Reason for Payment for University Degrees” option.
      2. In the list of titles that is shown, select the icon   “Printer” to download your Payment Reason.
      3. Cut out and attach the payment reason to the back of the degree issued to you by the university.

        The payment reason includes a QR code to corroborate the information of the enabled title.
What do I get?

The Electronic Payment Reason which you must attach to the back of the title as proof of registration and qualification of titles to practice profession.

Special cases

Offices or Agencies for
carry out the procedure

  • Management Through Virtual Agency