SAT Management System and Code of Ethics

SAT Management System and Code of Ethics

Through Superintendency Resolution Number SAT-DSI-1017-2019, the management system of the Superintendency of Tax Administration is created, which aims to achieve the sustainability of the model of continuous improvement in institutional processes, contributing to the strengthening institutional management capabilities.

Quality management system

Through Board Agreement Number 13-2008, the project consisting of the design, documentation and gradual implementation of a Quality Management System is approved, in accordance with the provisions of the International Standard ISO 9001, in the Superintendency of Tax Administration .

Ethical Compliance Management System

Through Superintendency Resolution Number SAT-DSI-1037-2019, the SAT Ethical Compliance Management System is created, which aims to prevent, detect and confront corruption, in its different manifestations; based on the ISO 37001 standard, and on observance and compliance with the Code of Ethics and Conduct for SAT personnel.