Customs union


1  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 01-2016, Creation of Ministerial Instance
2  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 02-2016, Approval of Ministerial Regulations
3  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 03-2016, UA GT-HN Structural Fund Regulation
4  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 04-2016, UA GT-HN Consultative Committee Regulations
5  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 05-2016, Incorporation of Corinto and Entre Ríos
6  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 06-2016, Designation of Integrated Border Ports
7  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 07-2016, Goods subject to phytosanitary measures
7.1  Annex Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 07-2016
8  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 08-2016, Air Operations Regulations
9  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 09-2017, List of excepted products
10  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 10-2017, Incorporation of new product categories
11  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No.11-2017, FYDUCA format approval
12  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 12-2017, Replacement of IM Annex UA-05-2016
13  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 13-2017,
14  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 14-2017, IM Extension UA-07-2016
15  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 15-2017, SPS format approval
16  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 16-2017, Approval of Procedures and Controls
17  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 17-2017, Integration Operation Regulation
17.1  Annex Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 17-2017
18  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 18-2017, Peripheral Customs
19  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 19-2017, Goods excepted due to tariff differences.
19.1  Annexes Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 19-2017
19.1.1  (BZ) List of Exceptions - Belize Partial Scope Agreement
19.1.2  (CH) List of Exceptions -FTA Between Central America and Chile
19.1.3  (CN) List of Exceptions – Canada-Honduras FTA
19.1.4  (CO) List of Exceptions -FTA Colombia – Northern Triangle of CA
19.1.5  (CU) List of Exceptions - Cuba-GT Partial Scope Agreement
19.1.6  (EC) List of Exceptions - Partial Scope Agreement Ecuador-GT
19.1.7  (EU) List of Exceptions - European Union Association Agreement
19.1.8  (EU) List of Exceptions - European Union Association Agreement
19.1.9  (MX) List of Exceptions –FTA Between Central America and Mexico
19.1.10  (PA) List of Exceptions –FTA Between Central America and Panama
19.1.11  (PE) List of Exceptions -Peru-HN Free Trade Agreement
19.1.12  (RD) List of Exceptions – FTA between CA and the Dominican Republic
19.1.13  (TW) List of Exceptions – FTA between CA and Taiwan
20  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 20-2017, New product category
21  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 21-2017, Goods excepted by origin
21.1  Annex Res. 21-2017 exception lists TLC origin 16017
22  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 22-2017, Calculation of transport and insurance values
23  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 23-2017, Approval of various instruments
23.1  Annex I Res. Ministerial Instance UA-23-2017
24  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 24-2017, Merc. differentiated sanitary condition-agropec.
24.1  Annex Ministerial instance UA-No. 24-2017
25  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 25-2017, List of MSF and merc shipments. MSF
25.1  Annex Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 25-2017
26  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 26-2017, repeal numerals 2 and 3 annex IM 05-2016
27  Resolution Ministerial Instance UA No. 27-2017, First stage implementation
28  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.28
28.1  Annex Resolution 28-2017 Inspection Procedure for Shipments of Goods PCCP GT-HN VF 25062017
29  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.29
30  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.30
31  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.31
32  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.32
33  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.33
34  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.34
34.1  Annex Resolution (EU) ADA Exceptions European Union
34.2  Annex Resolution (EC) Exceptions AAP Ecuador
34.3  Annex Resolution (RD) FTA Exceptions Dominican Republic
34.4  Annex Resolution (PA) Panama FTA Exceptions
34.5  Annex Resolution (TW) Taiwan FTA Exceptions
34.6  Resolution Annex (US) US FTA Exceptions
34.7  Annex Resolution (BZ) Exceptions AAP Belize
34.8  Annex Resolution (CN) FTA Canada Exceptions
34.9  Annex Resolution (CO) FTA Colombia Exceptions
34.10  Annex Resolution (CU) Exceptions AAP Cuba
34.11  Annex Resolution (PE) Peru FTA Exceptions
34.12  Annex Resolution (TW) Taiwan FTA Exceptions
34.13  Annex Resolutions (CH) Chile FTA Exceptions
34.14  Mexico Convergence Annex
35  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.35
36  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.36
37  Resolution-Ministerial-Instance-UA-No.37
38  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 38-2018 Approves causes of retention, rejection of imports in SPS shipments and findings in inspections
38.1  Annex I Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 38-2018
38.2  Annex II Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 38-2018
39  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 39-2018 Approves ten procedures for the analysis, categorization of risks and requirements
39.1  Annex I Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.2  Annex II Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.3  Annex III Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.4  Annex IV Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.5  Annex V Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.6  Annex VI Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.7  Annex VII Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.8  Annex VIII Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.9  Annex IX Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
39.10  Annex X Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 39-2018
40  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 40-2018 Requirements for SPS shipments and SPS Goods subject to free circulation
41  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 41-2018 | Indications to exclude the SPS notification requirement for SPS shipments and SPS Goods
41.1  Annex I Ministerial Resolution No. 41-2018 List of SPS shipments that do not require SPS notification for trade between State Parties
41.2  Annex II Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 41-2018 List of SPS goods that do not require SPS notification for trade between the States Parties.
42  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 42-2018 | Approves procedure to protect merchandise under special regimes with FYDUCA
42.1  Annex I Resolution Ministerial Instance No. 42-2018
43  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 43-2018 | Authorizes the SIECA to receive USD$1.00 for each FYDUCA transmitted through the PIC
44  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 44-2018 As of 01-07-19, RFID tag or equivalent will be mandatory for all land cargo
45  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 45-2018 Incorporates El Salvador into the Institutionalism of the Customs Union
46  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 46-2018 Administrative acts previously adopted become valid for El Salvador
47  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 47-2018 Completely replaces the Regulation of the UA-GT-HN Ministerial Instance
47.1  Annex to the Resolution Ministerial Instance-UA No. 47-2018
48  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 48-2018 Completely replaces the Regulation of the Structural Fund of UA GT-HN
48.1  Annex to the Resolution Ministerial Instance-UA No. 48-2018
49  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 49-2018 Completely replaces the Regulations of the UA GT-HN Consultative Committee
49.1  Annex to the Resolution Ministerial Instance-UA No. 49-2018
50  Ministerial Instance Resolution No. 50-2018 Modifies paragraph 2 of the Ministerial Instance-UA Resolution No. 20-2017

Invoice and Single Central American Declaration (FYDUCA)

In accordance with article 4, paragraph 10, the FYDUCA is “The uniform legal document that constitutes an invoice that supports operations of transfer and acquisition of movable property or provision of services between economic agents of the State Parties and constitutes a declaration for the retention or liquidation and payment of taxes.

Legal information:

Decree 2-2008 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, which approves the “Agreement for the Compatibility of Internal Taxes Applicable to Trade between the Party States of the Central American Customs Union.”

Decree 3-2016 of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, which approves the “Enabling Protocol for the Deep Integration Process Towards the Free Transit of Goods and Natural Persons between the Republics of Guatemala and Honduras”


Video on filling out the FYDUCA electronic form